Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bored out of '08

I'm bored; so desperataly. So I know it's later but I'm going to name my top ten books and Cds of 2007.

Books Please note; I don't think many of these books came out in '07. And not in any particular order.
1. Boy Meets Boy
2. Eclipse
3. Nick & Norahs Infinite Playlist
4. Tell Me What You See
5. The Vampire Lestat
6. Magic City
7. So Yesterday
8. Neon Bible
9. A Confederency Of Dunces
10. The Center Of The World

CDs Please note; these are not in any particular order and may not have come out in '07
1. The Rocket Summer; Do You Feel
2. All Time Low; So Wrong It's Right
3. A Dropdead Star; It's Not Jacket Weather Anymore
4. Bright Eyes; Cassadaga
5. Cartel; Cartel
6. The Arcade Fire; Neon Bible
7. Kate Nash; Made Of Bricks
8. Backseat Goodbye; Good Morning Sunshine
9. Anything by Jummy Inglish, he doesn't have an album yet :D
10. The Drama Escort; Doesn't have an almub either, a couple EPs though.

So there it is. My list of things you should read or buy or listen to or whatever.

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